Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Balm

The Fuschia Girls have very exciting news!! Fuschia is carrying a new makeup line and we are obsessed. Yes, even Ashlee, who has extremely expensive taste in makeup, just can't get enough of the stuff. So come on in and check out The Balm it really is the BOMB!!!

Some of our favs from the line are the Plump your Pucker Gloss, which comes in an amazing nude color and absolutely does not burn. The TimeBalm Concealer is amazing it gives as good as coverage as the Cle De Peau plus it helps to fight wrinkles, hides dark circles and repairs the skin all at the same time. It is such a great treatment that they recommend that you wear it at night!! The Shadylady Eye shadows are so cool. They are designed to illuminate your eye color and make your eyes pop with the reflection of light. The Two Timer Mascara is insane. It offers a duo of brushes so you can play with either Marcus Lashalot (the volumizer) or Johnny Finetune (the definer).

It is all so, so fun and the prices are amazing, so get into to Fuschia and play!!